Out with the Old and in with the New! The tree's been trimmed, the cookies have been baked (and eaten) and Santa has made his presence known.
2010 has been a truly wonderful year for me. My pride and joy is growing into such a unique and wonderful individual. My family has for the most part stayed healthy and happy. My husband and I have reunited (and it feels so good!) I have found a wonderful job with people who truly appreciate me and who I truly appreciate. I have solidified some great friendships and started the journey to a healthier me.
However, with the end of each year comes many "shoulda, coulda, wouldas" and this year is no different. Instead of focusing on the bad, I plan on turning them all into positives for 2011.
So, without further adieu, I present to you...
My New Year’s Resolutions:
1. Scrapbook at least one page a month for Cristian and go to at least one crop this year
2. Try not to pay full price for anything—use coupons and sales to my advantage
3. Control my PCOS, hypothyroidism and metabolic syndrome—get healthy and stay healthy
4. Complete some kind of a workout three days a week (i.e. Gazelle, YMCA class, Wii)
5. Participate in Weight Watchers for the entire year and do not let the scale get the best of me
6. Do not put myself down and instead do something out of the ordinary for me (i.e. a Boudoir Photoshoot)
7. Continue going to church at least twice a month and participate in as much as we can
8. Get out of the house once a month to be with some friends so I do not lose myself
9. Have at least one dozen scarves made to donate to the Giving Trees at church and daycare
10. Let patience in and show drama out of my life
11. Make one thoughtful blog post a week and gain some kind of following by hooking up with some of my own favorite blogs (Fatshion Chic, eatmovewrite, ohAmanda, BudgetSavvyDiva and MoneySavingMom, to name a few).
Thanks to you, my few faithful readers, for a great beginning to this blog. Let's keep it up in 2011. Let me know you are reading this and leave me a comment!

So from our house...
...to yours
